All fixed price journeys 24/7, whatever the traffic situation. No hidden charges or pricing.

Your assigned chauffeur will appear with a great sense of purpose that depicts Chauffeur Lord. Ready to assist with the bags and the door. Punctual at all times and high-level professionalism.

We are ready to take you from your desired pickup location to your destination, be it from place to place or city to city. Place a call through and we will be at the other side giving a swift response to your request.

Flexible and convenient hourly charge split into four segments (15minutes each). Your assigned chauffeur is right there with you each step of the way. Rendering needed assistance; luggage, answering questions if need be, directions, advice, and lots more.

The duration of hire is computed from the booking time to the exact moment your assigned chauffeur drops you at the desired destination. Extra time is charged in fifteen minutes segments (15-minutes) as stated earlier.